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Win32Service 1.0.1 is available

Par @jbnahan69
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The last year, I have released version 1.0.0 of the Win32Service PHP extension.

The major version 1 of Win32Service is dedicated to the PHP major version 8. At the end of last month (ending of November 2021), PHP 8.1 have been released.

The version available for PHP 8.1 is the Win32Service 1.0.1 version.

This version contains a little change for the embed SAPI. Thank you, Eion Robb.

You can download the new binary from the Github release 1.0.1.

For this version, I try to build this extension for architecture x86 and x64 (amd64). But I can't build for x86 architecture on AppVeyor service.

If you have any solution for this issue, you can contact me.

I need your feedback to know your usage and your idea for the future version.

Special thanks to all users who have sent me feedback.

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Jean-Baptiste Nahan

Consultant Expert Web, j'aide les entreprises ayant des difficultés avec leur projet Web (PHP, Symfony, Sylius).

@jbnahan69 | Macintoshplus | Linkedin | JB Dev Labs