Win32service 1.0.2 is out!

Par @jbnahan69

After some years with a new version of Win32Service coming simultaneously with the PHP release, since 2022, the last version of Win32Service has been built each year for the new PHP version.

In 2021, Win32Service received minor changes listed below:
- Code refactoring (mainly on if/else)
- Fixed a bug
- Added more details in \Win32ServiceException message.

Be careful, do not use the exception message to find the error. The exception code is more appropriate.

While fixing the bug, I discovered that it's not possible to use the "restart" recovery option. When registering the service, an error message related to authorization will be systematically returned even if you run the service registration script as an administrator.

A value inversion of the WIN32_SC_ACTION_REBOOT and WIN32_SC_ACTION_RESTART constants existed in the Win32Service documentation. This has also been corrected.

For PHP 8.2, you can download the version 1.0.2.

For the impatient, you can download version 1.0.2 for PHP 8.3.

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Jean-Baptiste Nahan

Consultant Expert Web, j'aide les entreprises ayant des difficultés avec leur projet Web (PHP, Symfony, Sylius).

@jbnahan69 | Macintoshplus | Linkedin | JB Dev Labs